jueves, 30 de enero de 2025

Pag 27 working with vocabulary


1. out of town 

2. in a meeting 

3. on holiday


4. take down 

5.cut off

6. hang up


7.put you on hold 

8. take a message 

9.leave a message 


1. line is busy

2. spell that 

3. interrupt

4.out of the office

5.return your call 








1. in a meeting 

2. left

3. urgent 

4. deal with

5. return 

6. took down 

jueves, 23 de enero de 2025


- Phone calls

- As soon as possible: Tan aviat com sigui possible

- Avoid: Evitar

- Be careful: Tingues cura

- Caller: Truador/a

- Contact: Contacte

- Dial a number: Marcar un número

- Engaged: Ocupat

- Extension number: Número de extensió

- Online: En línia

- Professional: Professional

- Put you through: Passar-te

- Remind: Recordar

- Repeat: Repetir

- Ring back: Tornar a trucar

- Speak up: Parlar més alt

- State: Declarar

- Wrong number: Número incorrecte

Answering calls and taking messages: 

Cut off: Tallat

Deal with: Tratar amb

Expecting: Esperant

Hang up: Penjar (la trucada)

In a meeting: En una reunió

Interrupt: Interrompre

Leave a message: Deixar un missatge

Line is busy: La línia està ocupada

On holiday: De vacances

Out of the office: Fora de l'oficina

Out of town: Fora de la ciutat

Put you on hold: Posar-te en espera

Return your call: Retornar la teva trucada

Spell that: Deletreja-ho

Take a message: Prendre un missatge

Take down: Apuntar

Transfer: Transferir

Unavailable: No disponible

Urgent: Urgent


  • Bad connection: Connexió dolenta

  • Call back: Tornar a trucar

  • Calling on behalf of: Trucant en nom de

  • Clearly: Clarament

  • End a conversation: Acabar una conversa

  • Get through: Aconseguir parlar amb

  • Interference: Interferència

  • Line is free: La línia està lliure

  • Offer assistance: Oferir assistència

  • Speak a little more slowly: Parla una mica més lentament

  • Take a call: Atendre una trucada

  • Voicemail: Contestador automàtic

  • Would you: Ho faries?

jueves, 16 de enero de 2025

working with vocabulary

 6. listen and repeat the words in colour then chosse the correct aswer.

1.when l word off-site l have to drive to diferent places.

2. let's use the lift. the meeting is on the 30th flor 

3.  the key are ready for you to collect from the hotel reception

4. pay for your car parking at the exit when you leave


7.listen and repeat. then match the words to the pictures.

1. sports centre 4

2. shopping centre 8

3. airport 6

4. factory 5

5.train station  2

6.library 3

7.post office 1

8.department 7

8. listen and repeat the words and phrases in colour. then match each sentence to the correct picture.

1. room 333 is. opposite the toilet 6

2. go straight 9

3. turn letf d

4. turn right 6

5.room 33 is on your left e

6. room 333 is on your right j

7. room 333 is at the end of the corridor c

9. match a to b to form sentences.

1. you need to run a virus h

2. my office is at the and of the d

3. the office building is on your q

4. l'll meet you outside the sports g

5. my sister works at the post b

6.  the library is next to the train

7. just insert the disc and follow the c

8. at the end of the day, make sure you do e

a. left

b. office





